Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji かすりきず scratch
kanji なくす (1)to lose something, (2)to get rid of, (3)to lose someone (wife, child, etc.)
kanji いたい painful
kanji きず (1)wound, injury, cut, gash, bruise, scratch, scrape, scar, (2)chip, crack, scratch, nick, (3)flaw, defect, weakness, weak point, (4)stain (on one's reputation), disgrace, dishonor, dishonour, (5)
kanji すむ to end, to get by with
kanji いたむ to hurt
kanji こうたん birth (regal), nativity
kanji ぶんかつ partition, division, separation, segmenting, splitting
kanji そなえる to offer, to sacrifice, to dedicate
kanji むねひれ pectoral fin
kanji こきゅう (1)breath, respiration, (2)knack, trick, secret (of doing something)
kanji くらす (1)to live, to get along, (2)to spend (time)
kanji つくえ desk
kanji もしかしたら (uk) perhaps/maybe/perchance/by some chance/by any chance/(P)
kanji ごぞんじ know
kanji おかね money
kanji すぐれる to surpass, to outstrip, to excel
kanji はん group, party, section (mil)
kanji くれ (1)sunset, sundown, nightfall, dusk, (2)end, close, (3)year-end, end of the year
kanji とどける to deliver
kanji きんメダル gold medal
kanji すがた figure, shape, appearance
kanji わり (1)rate/ratio/proportion/percentage/ (2)profit/ (3)assignment/ (4)10%/unit of ten percent/ (5)sumo match/schedule of sumo matches/(n-suf) (6)diluted with (of drinks)/mixed with/(P)
kanji いちじるしい remarkable, considerable
kanji しろ white