Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
納める osameru (1)to dedicate, to make an offering, to pay (fees), (2)to supply, (3)to store, (4)to finish, to bring to a close, (5)to restore (something to its place), (6)to achieve (e.g. a result) ichidan, verb, vtrans
2と3分の2 nitosanbunnoni 2 2/3 (two and two thirds)math
izumi springshizen
降りる oriru to get off, to descend (e.g. a mountain)ichidan, jlpt3, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
ki; širo; džou fortress (surrounded by a wall, moat, etc.); castle; castle (in place names)mix
厳密 genmicu strict, closemix
担う ninau to carry on shoulder, to bear (burden), to shoulder (gun)godan, verb, vtrans
優れる sugureru to surpass, to outstrip, to excelichidan, verb, vintrans
ron (1)argument, discussion, dispute, controversy, discourse, debate, (2)theory, doctrine, (3)essay, treatise, comment mix
訳す jakusu to translate/to interpret/(P)godan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans