Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji あいしている から。 Because I love you.
kanji どの ひと který člověk
kanji ~ちゅう in (the middle of), within, during, while
kanji しらくも white clouds; white clouds
kanji おんな woman
kanji さいのめ (1)pip (spot on a die), (2)small cube (esp. of food), die, dice
kanji はこ box
kanji イギリスじん Englishman, Englishwoman
kanji おんなっぽい womanly, feminine, womanish, effeminate
kanji こい dark
kanji ちか the price of land
kanji day
kanji いそぎ haste, hurry, expedition, speed, dispatch
kanji かれ he,boyfriend
kanji character
kanji まずから sám za sebe, osobně
kanji くちづけ kiss
kanji パンや bakery
kanji ほんの mere, only, just
kanji クルミのき walnut
kanji あかじ (1)deficit, (being in or going into) the red, (2)red text, red letters, (3)corrections (by a teacher or proofreader) written in red
kanji いく to go
kanji さくら (1)cherry tree, cherry blossom, (2)decoy, fake buyer, shill, (3)hired applauder, (4)(col) horse meat
kanji てつ iron
kanji eye, eyeball