Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
日本人 nihondžin Japanese personmix
dži characterjlpt4, leda1
鉄山 tecuzan iron minemix
小さな čiisana smalladj, jlpt4
uši cowdoubutsu
日本中 nihondžuu po (celém) Japonskuleda1, ryokou
aka rediro, jlpt5
sacu (1)token, label, (2)ticket, card, (3)charm, talisman mix
manako (1)eye, eyeball, (2)eyesight, sight, vision, (3)look, stare, glance, (4)experience, (5)viewpoint, (6)stitch, texture, weave, (suf) (7)ordinal number suffix, (8)somewhat, -ish; (9)eye, eyeball mix
彼ら karera theyjlpt4
付ける cukeru (1)to attach, to join, to add, to append, to affix, to stick, to glue, to fasten, to sew on, to apply (ointment), (2)to furnish (a house with), (3)to wear, to put on, (4)to keep a diary, to make a ichidan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
mači town,cityjlpt5
日付 hidzuke dateleda1, toki
niku meatjlpt5, leda1, ryouri
宅地 takuči building lot, residential landmix