Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
koku (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1
菜の花 nanohana rape (flower)shokubutsu
玉じゃくし tamajakushi ladleryouri
izumi springshizen
tani valleyshizen
そよ風 soyokaze breezeleda1, tenki
石灰 sekkai limekagaku
月夜 tsukiyo měsíčná nocleda1
kaminari thundertenki
mugi wheat, barley, oat (oats)shokubutsu
雨天 uten rainy weathermix
kumo cloudjlpt4, tenki
e; kou (1)(arch) large river (esp. the Yangtze), (2)Lake Biwa mix
hi dayjlpt4, toki
雪のひとひら yukinohitohira snowflaketenki
火山岩 kazangan volcanic rockleda1
空っぽ karappo prázdnýleda1
kasumi misttenki
山林 sanrin mountain forestleda1, shizen
mizu waterjlpt5, kagaku, ryouri, shizen
果たす hatasu (1)to accomplish, to achieve, to carry out, to fulfill, to fulfil, to realize, to execute, to perform, to do, (suf,v5s) (2)to do ... completely, to do ... entirely godan, verb, vtrans
石炭 sekitan coalkagaku
石灰岩 sekkaigan limestonekagaku, shizen
山々 yamayama mountainsshizen
火花 hibana spark/(P)leda1
hayashi woodleda1, shizen
tama ballleda1
koori icekagaku, leda1, ryouri, tenki
金山 kinzan (gold) mine; (gold) minemix
kage (1)shadow, silhouette, (2)reflection, image, (3)presence, sign, (4)light (stars, moon) mix