Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
改めて aratamete another time, again, over again, once again, anewmix
青白い aodžiroi modrobílý, zelenobílý, bledýiro, leda1
動向 doukou trend/tendency/movement/attitude/(P)leda1
不足 fusoku lackjlpt3, mix
死ぬほど好き。 šinu hodo suki. Miluji tě k smrti.ai
方向 houkou (1)direction/orientation/bearing/way/ (2)course (e.g. of action)/(P) leda1, math
働き hataraki (1)work, labor, labour, (2)achievement, performance, ability, talent, (3)salary, income, earnings, (4)action, activity, workings, function, operation, movement, motion, (5)(ling) conjugation, inf jlpt3
不参加 fusanka abstention, nonparticipationmix
もう直ぐ mousugu (uk) very soonjlpt3
外出 gaišucu; sotode outing, trip, going out; (n,vs) outing, trip, going outsuru
暗号 angou code/password/cipher/(P)adj, leda1
山下さんは東京の出身です。 jamašita san ha toukjou no šutšin desu. Pan Jamašita pochází s Tokia.mix
hoši starjlpt4, leda1
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
真っ直ぐ massugu (1)straight (ahead), direct, upright, erect, (2)straightforward, honest, frank mix