Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
建立する konrjuusuru vystavět, založit (chrám...)kami, leda1, suru, verb
学説 gakusecu theorymix
アメリカ軍 amerikagun U.S. forces, American militarysensou
四時 jodži 4 o'clocktoki
migi right hand sidejlpt5, mix
山本 jamamoto Yamamotonamae
来年の計画を立てました。 rainen no keikaku wo tatemašita. Sestavil jsem plán na příští rok.mix
o (1)Chinese "Tail" constellation (one of the 28 mansions), (suf,ctr) (2)counter for fish, shrimp, etc. doubutsu
易しい jasašii easy, simpleadj, jlpt5
皮肉 hiniku cynicism, sarcasm, irony, satireemo