Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
恐る恐る osoruosoru timidlymix
ichi onejlpt5
お八つ oyatsu snackryouri
二日 futsuka second day of the month, two daysjlpt5, toki
higashi eastjlpt5, leda1
土日 donichi weekend, Saturday and Sundaymix
ushi cowdoubutsu
九九 kuku násobilkaleda1, math
恐ろしい osoroshii (1)terrible, dreadful, terrifying, frightening, frightened, (2)surprising, startling, tremendous, amazing adj
一つ hitotsu onejlpt5
四つ yottsu fourjlpt5
九つ kokonotsu ninejlpt5
東京 toukyou Tokyoleda1, namae
白ワイン shirowain white wineryouri
roku (num) sixjlpt5