Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
I love you!ai
楽む たのしむ to enjoy oneselfgodan, jlpt4, verb
恐怖 きょうふ fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare, panicmix
楽な らくな comfort/ease/(P)adj, jlpt3
喜び よろこび joy/delight/rapture/pleasure/gratification/rejoicing/congratulations/felicitations/(P)jlpt3
怖い こわい frighteningadj, jlpt4
怖がる こわがる to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)godan, verb, vintrans
恋しい こいしい miss, yearnai
さち (1)good luck, fortune, happiness, (2)harvest, yield mix
迷う まよう (1)to lose one's way, (2)to waver, to hesitate, to be of two minds over, to be puzzled, to be perplexed, (3)to give into temptation, to lose control of oneself, (4)to turn in one's grave godan, jlpt3, verb, vintrans
楽しみ たのしみ pleasure, joyjlpt3, jlpt4
悲しみ かなしみ sadness, sorrow, griefjlpt3
幸い さいわい happiness, blessednessmix
らく comfort, easemix
悲しむ かなしむ to be sad, to mourn for, to regretgodan, verb, vtrans
喜ぶ よろこぶ be delightedgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
笑う わらう to laughgodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
疑う うたがう to doubt, to distrust, to be suspicious of, to suspectgodan, verb, vtrans
愉悦 ゆえつ joysuru
悲しい かなしい sademo, jlpt4
怖がっている こわがっている fearfuladj, emo
Because I love you.ai
笑い わらい (1)laugh/laughter/ (2)smile/ (3)sneer/(P) jlpt3
あい loveai, jlpt3
怖る おそる to fear, to be afraidgodan, verb
おなじ; おなじく; くりかえし; どうのじてん; のま množné číslo (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (sometimes voiced); repetition of kanji (jen výjmečně)
嬉しい うれしい pleasedadj, emo
哀れみ あわれみ pity, compassionmix
恋愛 れんあい love/love-making/passion/emotion/affections/(P)ai, jlpt3, suru
幸せな しあわせ な happyadj, jlpt3