Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
楽しみ tanoshimi pleasure, joyjlpt3, jlpt4
幸い saiwai happiness, blessednessmix
哀れ aware (1)pity, sorrow, grief, misery, compassion, pathos, (adj-na) (2)pitiable, pitiful, pathetic, miserable, (int) (3)alack, alas mix
raku comfort, easemix
悲しみ kanashimi sadness, sorrow, griefjlpt3
怖がる kowagaru to be afraid of, to fear, to dread, to be nervous (about), to be shy (of)godan, verb, vintrans
恐ろしい osoroshii (1)terrible, dreadful, terrifying, frightening, frightened, (2)surprising, startling, tremendous, amazing adj
楽む tanoshimu to enjoy oneselfgodan, jlpt4, verb
哀れみ awaremi pity, compassionmix
恋におちる koi ni ochiru fall in lovemix