Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
naka inside, middle, amongjlpt5
san (num) threejlpt5, mix
休める jasumeru moci si odpočinout, nechat odpočinout, uklidnitichidan, leda1, verb, vtrans
hajaši woodleda1, shizen
一口 hitokuči (1)mouthful, bite, sip, draft, draught, (2)one word mix
大空 oozora nebesakami, leda1
足下 ašimoto gait, step, underfootleda1
土木 doboku public worksmix
十七 džuunana 17math
生かす ikasu (1)to make (the best) use of, to leverage (skills, attributes, experience, etc.), to capitalise on (experience, etc), (2)to let live, to keep alive, (3)to revive, to resuscitate godan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
三日 mikka three days, the third day of the monthjlpt5, toki
日本人の女とデートしたことがない。 nihondžin no onna to de-to šita koto ga nai. S Japonkou jsem ještě nechodil.ai
休校 kjuukou školní volnogakkou, leda1
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
jama mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical pointjlpt5, shizen
大の字に dainodžini sprawled, spread-eagled, in the shape of the "dai" kanjimix
大木 taiboku big treeleda1, shizen
右手 migite pravá rukahito, leda1
te handhito, jlpt5
気さくな kisakuna frankadj, emo
年上 tošiue older (for people)jlpt3, mix
さいの目 sainome (1)pip (spot on a die), (2)small cube (esp. of food), die, dice mix
koku (1)measure of volume (approx. 180.39 liters, 6.37 cub. ft.)/ (2)measure of a Japanese-style boat's loading capacity (approx. 278.26 liters)/(P) leda1
中々 nakanaka considerablyjlpt4
早め hajame (something) earlymix
やる気 jaruki willingness (e.g. to do something)/eagerness/motivation/inspiration/determination/high aspirationsjlpt3
aši leg, pawdoubutsu, hito, jlpt5
下手 šimote spodní část, dolní částleda1
生花 ikebana flower arrangementmix
ko childhito, jlpt4