Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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asa morningjlpt5, leda1, toki
午前 gozen morning (before noon), A.M.jlpt5, leda1, toki
asahi morning sunmix
大部分 daibubun most part, greater part, majoritymix
haha motherjlpt3, jlpt5, kazoku, leda1
母語 bogo mother tongue, native languagemix
母国語 bokokugo mother tongue, native languagemix
富士山 fujisan Mount Fujinamae
山林 sanrin mountain forestleda1, shizen
山里 yamazato mountain hamlet (village)leda1
山道 yamamichi mountain pathleda1, ryokou, shizen
山上 sanjou mountain topmix
山村 sanson mountain villageleda1
yama mountain, pile, heap, climax, critical pointjlpt5, shizen
山々 yamayama mountainsshizen
山川 sansen; yamakawa; yamagawa mountains and rivers; mountains and rivers; mountain riversmix
山海 sankai mountains and seasshizen
kuchi mouth, orifice, openinghito, jlpt5
乗法 jouhou multiplicationmath
音楽と楽器 ongaku to gakki music and musical instrumentsongaku
音楽ホール ongakuho-ru music halljlpt3, ongaku
音楽 ongaku music, musical movementjlpt5, leda1, ongaku
音楽的 ongakuteki musicaladj, ongaku
楽器 gakki musical instrumentongaku
音楽家 ongakuka musicianongaku, shigoto
辛子 karashi mustardryouri
鼻づら hanadura muzzledoubutsu
tsuma my wifejlpt4, kazoku
自分 jibun myself, oneselfjlpt5, leda1
長野県 naganoken Nagano prefecture (Chuubu area)namae
口煩い kuchiurusai nagging, faultfinding, carping, captiousadj
名古屋 nagoya Nagoya (city)mix
中村 nakamura Nakamuranamae
名前 namae namejlpt5, leda1
年号 nengou name of an era/year number/(P)leda1
unaji nape, nuchahito
自己愛 jikoai narcissismmix
鼻炎 bien nasal inflammationmix
鼻水 hanamizu nasal mucus, dripping nosebyouki
国庫 kokko national treasurymix
母語話者 bogowasha native speakermix
天災 tensai natural calamity, disastertenki
風土 fuudo natural features, topography, climate, spiritual featuresmix
吐き気 hakike nauseabyouki
身近 midika near oneself, close to one, familiarmix
身近(な) midika(na) near oneself/close to one/familiar/(P)adj, leda1
近く chikaku near, neighbourhoodjlpt5
近い chikai near, shortadj, jlpt5, leda1
近眼 kingan; chikame nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopia; nearsightedness, shortsightedness, myopiamix
kubi neckhito, jlpt4, leda1
ツバイ桃 tsubaimomo nectarineryouri, shokubutsu
海王星 kaiousei Neptune (planet)mix
中立 chuuritsu neutralitymix
中和 chuuwa neutralize, neutralise, counteractsuru
新しい atarashii newadj, jlpt5, leda1
新酒 shinshu new brew of sakeleda1
新車 shinsha new carmix
三日月 mikaduki new moon, crescent moonleda1, shizen
新首相 shinshushou new prime ministermix
新風 shinpuu new stylemix
お正月 oshougatsu New yearleda1, toki
元日 ganjitsu; gannichi New Year's Day; New Year's Daymix
新年会 shinnenkai New Year's partymix
正月 shougatsu new year’s dayjlpt4, toki
新聞 shinbun newspaperjlpt5, leda1
号外 gougai newspaper extra/(P)leda1
来月 raigetsu next monthjlpt5, leda1, toki
来週 raishuu next weekjlpt5, leda1, toki
明年 myounen next yearjlpt3
来年 rainen next yearjlpt5, leda1, toki
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
乱雲 ran'un nimbustenki
kyuu ninejlpt5, mix
九つ kokonotsu ninejlpt5
九日 kokonoka nine days, the ninth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
乳首 chikubi nipplehito
法泉ベクトル housenbekutoru normal vectormath
kita northjlpt5, leda1
北米 hokubei North Americanamae
北口 kitaguchi north exitryokou
北朝鮮 kitachousen North Koreamix
北東 hokutou northeast; northeastmix
北欧 hokuou Northern Europe, land of the Norsemen, Scandinaviamix
北西 hokusei northwestmix
hana nosehito, jlpt3, jlpt5
鼻血 hanadi nosebleed/(P)leda1
鼻のあな hananoana nostrilhito
satsu (1)token, label, (2)ticket, card, (3)charm, talisman mix
注目 chuumoku notice, attention, observationjlpt3, suru
今や imaya nowtoki
現在 genzai now, current, present, present time, as ofmix
ima now, soon, immediatelyjlpt5, toki
客体 kakutai; kyakutai object; objectmix
黒曜石 kokuyouseki obsidianmix
入手 nyuushu obtaining, coming to handsuru
明らか akiraka obvious, evident, clear, plainmix
自明 jimei obvious, self-evident, trivial, axiomatic, self-explanatorymix
海洋 kaiyou oceanmix
大洋州 taiyoushuu Oceania, Pacific Ocean countriesmix
具申 gushin offering a full report to a superiorsuru
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