Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
akaši proofmath
今風 imafuu dnešní styl, současný stylleda1
苛々 iraira (uk) getting nervous, irritationjlpt3, suru
竹林 čikurin bamboo thicketleda1, shizen
色合い iroai hue, tinge, tintmix
お八つ ojacu snackryouri
泳法 eihou swimming stylemix
出土品 šucudohin artifactsmix
unadži nape, nuchahito
分母 bunbo the denominatormath
あだ名 adana nicknamesuru
並ぶ narabu to line up, to stand in a linegodan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
kawa riverjlpt5, shizen
完了体 kanrjoutai dokonavý vidmix
水玉 mizutama kapka vodyleda1
本物 honmono genuine articleleda1
不親切 fušinsecu unkindness, unfriendlinessmix
ana (1)hole, (2)deficit, shortage, missing person (in a team, meeting, etc.), (3)vacancy, opening, (4)flaw, (5)profitable place (or item, etc.) not well known by others, (6)upset victory (with a lar mix
中耳 čuudži middle earhito
引く hiku minus, -jlpt3, math
黒苺 kuroičigo blackberrymix
来たす kitasu zapříčinit, přivodit (újmu)godan, leda1, verb, vtrans
何でもいいです。 nandemo ii desu. Cokoliv je OK.mix
秋分の日 šuubunnohi autumn equinox holiday (Sep 23 or 24), fall equinox holiday, autumnal equinoxtoki
甲虫 koučuu beetledoubutsu
~冊 ~sacu counter for volumes, copiescounter, jlpt5
屋上 okudžou rooftopjlpt4, leda1, uchi
赤ワイン akawain red wineryouri
テレビを点ける terebi wo cuke ru Turn on the TVmix
欧米 oubei Europe and America, the Westmix