Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
十四 じゅうよん 14math
Tamten člověk je ukecaný.mix
前のように まえ のうに as beforemix
一生 いっしょう celý životjlpt3, leda1
B分のA BぶんのA A / B (fraction)math
かい (1)(uk) Japanese babylon (species of shelled mollusk, Babylonia japonica), Japanese ivory shell, (2)(abbr) spinning top (traditionally made from a Japanese babylon shell)
山川 さんせん; やまかわ; やまがわ mountains and rivers; mountains and rivers; mountain riversmix
学力 がくりょく scholarship, knowledge, literary abilitymix
年上の としうえの staršíleda1