Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
大刀 だいとう long swordsensou
出入口 でいりぐち exit and entranceryokou
上人 しょうにん buddhistický svatýkami, leda1
今年 ことし this yearjlpt5, toki
子犬 こいぬ puppydoubutsu, leda1
Autobus právě odjel.mix
お子さん おこさん child (polite)jlpt4
六日 むいか six days, sixth (day of month)jlpt5, toki
立ち上がる たちあがる (1)to stand up, to get up, (2)to rise, (3)to recover, (4)to take action, to start, (5)to make the initial charge (in sumo), (6)(comp) to start up, to boot up godan, verb, vintrans
大体 だいたい general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, aboutjlpt3