Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
親切 šinsecu kindnessemo, jlpt4
出会い deai setkáníleda1
お元気ですか。 o genki desu ka. Máš se dobře?kaiwa
父の日 čičinohi Den otcůleda1, namae
小魚 kozakana malá ryba, potěrdoubutsu, leda1
合宿 gatšuku lodging together, training camp, boarding housesuru
too 10, tenjlpt5
わざと言わない。 wazato iwa nai. Naschvál to neřeknu.mix
切れ目 kireme break/pause/gap/end/rift/interruption/cut/section/notch/incision/end (of a task)/(P)leda1
使う cukau (1)to use (a thing, method, etc.)/to make use of/to put to use/ (2)to use (a person, animal, puppet, etc.)/to employ/to handle/to manage/to manipulate/ (3)to use (time, money, etc.)/to spend/to consu godan, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vtrans