Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ときどき sometimes
kanji かえる (1)to replace, (2)to exchange, to interchange, (3)to substitute
kanji おまじない (1)(uk) good luck charm, (exp) (2)uttered when using magic, abracadabra, presto
kanji なのか seven days, the seventh day of the month
kanji おとも attendant, companion
kanji ちち father
kanji hodina
kanji がくねん grade (academic year)
kanji day
kanji いまにも at any time/soon/(P)
kanji しろ white
kanji city
kanji やど outcasts (those from Kamakura period to the Edo period, common around the Kyoto region); inn, lodging
kanji あいしてる。 I love you!
kanji ほん book, main
kanji ことし this year
kanji けつ decision/vote/(P)
kanji あおい blue, pale, green, unripe, inexperienced
kanji いう to say
kanji いまや now
kanji まわり (1)circumference, perimeter, edge, (2)surroundings, locality, neighborhood, (3)rotation, circulation
kanji みず water
kanji ~ちゅう in (the middle of), within, during, while
kanji よじ 4 o'clock
kanji さんりん mountain forest