Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji amamizu rain water
kanji hakarazumo unexpectedly
kanji kudži 9 o'clock
kanji dono hito který člověk
kanji ikazuči thunder
kanji fucuka second day of the month, two days
kanji warui bad, inferior
kanji osamaru to be at peace, to clamp down, to lessen (storm, terror, anger)
kanji akaei stingray
kanji haha mother
kanji honno mere, only, just
kanji čizu map
kanji niččuu den, během dne
kanji ba,wa counter for birds and rabbits
kanji čiči father
kanji kowojadosu to be pregnant, to be with child
kanji ta rice field
kanji wa counter for birds and rabbits
kanji mizu water
kanji kjou today
kanji hondai money for books
kanji nihondžuu po (celém) Japonsku
kanji otomo attendant, companion
kanji higašiguči east exit
kanji raionno子 lion cub