Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji あおい blue, pale, green, unripe, inexperienced
kanji にほんじん Japanese person
kanji うたう to sing
kanji つきよ měsíčná noc
kanji おもいやる to be considerate, to sympathize with, to sympathise with
kanji いまにも at any time/soon/(P)
kanji ほんにん the person himself
kanji いっぷん 1 minute
kanji どのぐらい まちますか。 Jak dlouho budu čekat?
kanji (num) five
kanji じゅうごや night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar month
kanji あの ひと が たべている の は なん ですか。 Co jí tamten člověk?
kanji かいわ conversation
kanji よんじゅう 40
kanji やまみち mountain path
kanji あおいつき bledý měsíc
kanji ゆうしょく večeře
kanji ワゴンしゃ station wagon
kanji はなす to speak
kanji さげる to hang, to let down
kanji はやい early
kanji おろす (1)to take down (e.g. flag), to launch (e.g. boat), to drop, to lower (e.g. ladder), to let (a person) off, to unload, to discharge, (2)to drop off (a passenger from a vehicle), to let (a person) of
kanji いまから from now on
kanji いま now, soon, immediately
kanji おもいだす to recall, to remember