Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji yasukute mo,kaimasen. I když to bude levné, nekoupím to.
kanji daitai general, substantially, outline, main point, approximately, about
kanji byakuya bílé (polární) noci
kanji ureru (1)to sell (well), (2)to be well known, to be popular, to be famous
kanji tanima valley
kanji shijuu continuously/from beginning to end/from first to last/(P)
kanji kongo poté, následně, nadále
kanji tachiiru vstupovat, vměšovat se
kanji hanbun half
kanji gezan downhill
kanji toritsuno metropolitan (i.e. established by the Tokyo Metropolitan Government)/(P)
kanji issai all/everything/without exception/the whole/entirely/absolutely/(P)
kanji zen'in všichni členové, všichni zaměstnanci
kanji shigure drizzle, shower in late autumn (fall) or early winter
kanji machi town,city
kanji hana flower
kanji kousei (1)proofreading, correction of press, (2)calibration
kanji iu to say
kanji kuchi mouth, orifice, opening
kanji korai from time immemorial, ancient, time-honoured, time-honored
kanji manoatari na vlastní oči, tváří v tvář
kanji kougakushin love of learning
kanji shokuhin potraviny
kanji higashi east
kanji hyoukai frozen sea/icy waters