Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
お化け おばけ strašidlokami, leda1
目下 めした subordinate, subordinates, inferior, inferiors, junior; at present, nowshigoto
生む うむ to give birth, to deliver, to producegodan, jlpt3, verb, vtrans
休校 きゅうこう školní volnogakkou, leda1
父兄 ふけい rodičekazoku, leda1
白い しろい whiteadj, iro, jlpt5
せん 1,000, thousandjlpt5
木馬 もくば (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet) leda1
中出し なかだし intravaginal (anal, etc.) ejaculationai, suru
青空 あおぞら modrá oblohaleda1, shizen