Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji šigaken Shiga prefecture (Kinki area)
kanji čuuwa neutralize, neutralise, counteract
kanji džisuberi landslide
kanji iki (1)bound for ..., (n) (2)going (to)
kanji teišucu (1)to present, to submit (e.g. a report or a thesis), to hand in, to file, to turn in, (n) (2)presentation, submission, filing
kanji jorošii (uk) (hon) good, OK, all right, fine, very well, will do, may, can
kanji seiten fine weather
kanji umi sea, beach
kanji mugi wheat, barley, oat (oats)
kanji mačidžikangamou30buwokošita anglicky
kanji kodomo no koro no omoide vzpomínka na dětství
kanji kaminoke hair
kanji hiku to play (piano, guitar)
kanji sono niku wo joku jaite kudasai. Propeč to maso dobře.
kanji kojoi this evening, tonight
kanji hinoki (n) (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypress; (uk) hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa)/Japanese cypress
kanji mado window
kanji ocuri (pol) change (i.e. money), balance
kanji aoba svěží zelené listí
kanji šinsecu kindness
kanji macuge (uk) eyelashes
kanji ima ha sou omoimasen. Už si to tak nemyslím.
kanji kičouhin valuables/treasures/(P)
kanji džosuuši counters
kanji taiša (1)resignation, leaving office, (2)leaving work (e.g. at the end of the day)