Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
何度でも nandodemo any number of timesmix
怒る okoru to get angry,to be angrygodan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
今度、誰か御馳走してね。 kondo,dareka gočisou šite ne. Příště mě někdo pozvěte.mix
詩家 šika poetmix
焼き芋 jakiimo roasted sweet potato, baked sweet potatomix
sode (1)sleeve, (2)wing (of a stage) mix
他県 taken another prefecturemix
略語 rjakugo abbreviation, acronymmix
真心 magokoro upřímnostemo, leda1
喫煙車 kicuenša a smoking carryokou
外付けのハードディスクに保存しておいて。 sotodzuke no ha-dodeィsuku ni hozon šiteoite. Ulož to na externí hard-disk.mix
引っ越す hikkosu to move to (house)godan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
敗者 haiša the defeated, vanquished, losermix
退歩 taiho degeneratesuru
聞き手 kikite (1)hearer, listener, audience, (2)interviewer, questioner mix