Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
和声 わせい harmony, concord, consonanceongaku
相合傘 あいあいがさ sharing an umbrella, under one umbrellatenki
退職金 たいしょくきん severance payment, retirement money (usu. lump-sum), redundancy paymentshigoto
一足 いっそく a pair of shoesfuku, leda1
沖縄 おきなわ Okinawa (one of the Japanese Ryukyu islands)mix
白樺 しらかば Japanese white birch (Betula platyphylla var. japonica)shokubutsu
辺り あたり (1)(uk) on the bank of, by the side of (e.g. a river, pond), (2)(in the) neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinity, nearby jlpt3
しゃく; せき (1)18 ml (one-tenth of a go), (2)0.033 meters square (one-hundredth of a tsubo), (3)dip, ladle; (4)18 ml (one-tenth of a go), (5)0.033 meters square (one-hundredth of a tsubo), (6)dip, ladle mix
学会 がっかい scientific society/academic meeting/academic conference/(P)gakkou
分離 ぶんり separation, partition, detachment, segregation, isolation, decollationsuru
盲人 もうじん blind personmix
赴く おもむく (1)to go in the direction of, to proceed toward, to proceed according to, to repair to, (2)to become, to face (facts, circumstances, etc.), to abide by, to agree to, to consent to, to obey godan, verb, vintrans
子猫 こねこ kittendoubutsu, leda1
満足な まんぞくな satisfactoryadj, jlpt3
前項 ぜんこう preceding paragraphmix