Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
最悪 さいあく the worstmix
植物園 しょくぶつえん botanical gardenmix
どの人 どの ひと který člověkmix
花束 はなたば bunch of flowers/bouquet/(P)leda1
屈折 くっせつ (1)bending, indentation, (2)refraction, (3)inflection, (4)warping (e.g. of opinion, reasoning, etc.), distortion suru
休息 きゅうそく rest, relief, relaxationsuru
消す けす to erase, to delete, to turn off powergodan, jlpt5, verb, vtrans
Mluvte prosím o tom, co se stalo.mix
八岐の大蛇 やまたのおろち Yamata no Orochi, Eight-Forked Serpentkami
低俗 ていぞく vulgarmix