Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
火口 ひぐち hořákleda1
国土 こくど státní územíleda1
早口 はやくち rychlá řečleda1
外食 がいしょく eating outsuru
Vyjmulo se to ze seznamu.mix
お子さん おこさん child (polite)jlpt4
ひれ足 ひれあし flipperdoubutsu
フランス語 ふらんすご French languagemix
一休み ひとやすみ krátký odpočinekleda1
(1)substitution, (2)material, (3)price, (4)margin (e.g. for stapling, etc.), area required for something, (5)(arch) shiro (unit of land area equal to one-fiftieth of a tan; ~19.83 m.sq.); (6)cha mix
五日 いつか five days, the fifth day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
分かれる わかれる (1)to branch/to fork/to diverge/ (2)to separate/to split/to divide/ (3)to disperse/to scatter/(P) ichidan, jlpt3, vintrans
多々 たた very much, very many, more and more; (uk) in tufts, tuftymix
上がる あがる (1)to rise/to go up/to come up/to ascend/to be raised/ (2)to enter (esp. from outdoors)/to come in/to go in/ (3)to enter (a school)/to advance to the next grade/ (4)to get out (of water)/to come asho godan, verb, vintrans
言語 げんご languagebunpou, leda1