Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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開発 kaihatsu development, exploitationsuru
発達 hattatsu development, growthjlpt3, suru
診断 shindan diagnosissuru
日記 nikki diaryjlpt4, leda1
絵日記 enikki diary with illustrationsmix
字引 jibiki dictionaryjlpt5
辞典 jiten dictionaryjlpt4
辞書 jisho dictionary, lexiconjlpt5
消失 shoushitsu die out, disappear, vanish; die out, disappear, vanishsuru
議会 gikai Diet, congress, parliamentseiji
sa differencemath
違い chigai difference, discrepancyjlpt3
betsu differentjlpt3, jlpt4
別人 betsujin different person, someone else, changed man; (n) different person, someone else, changed manmix
難しい muzukashii difficultadj, jlpt5
普及 fukyuu diffusion, spreadsuru
尊厳 songen dignity, majesty, sanctitymix
夕飯 yuuhan dinnerjlpt4, ryouri
卒業証書 sotsugyoushousho diplomagakkou
外交 gaikou diplomacyseiji
外交官 gaikoukan diplomatseiji
率直な sotsuchokuna directadj
直接的 chokusetsuteki directmix
直接 chokusetsu direct, immediate, personal, firsthandjlpt3
方位 houi directionmix
用法 youhou directions, rules of usemix
汚い kitanai dirtyadj, jlpt5
汚れた yogoreta dirtyadj
不利 furi disadvantage, handicap, unfavorable, unfavourable, drawbackmix
期待外れの kataihazureno disappointingadj
失望 shitsubou disappointmentedemo
防災 bousai disaster preventiontenki
識別 shikibetsu discrimination, discernment, identificationsuru
差別 sabetsu discrimination, distinction, differentiationsuru
論議 rongi discussion, argument, debatesuru
変装 hensou disguise, masqueradesuru
男装 dansou disguising oneself as a mansuru
sara dish, plateleda1, ryouri
食器 shokki dishesryouri
消毒 shoudoku disinfection, sterilization, sterilisationsuru
転位 ten'i dislocationmath
転位運動 ten'iundou dislocation dynamicsmath
不等 futou disparity, inequalitymix
発信 hasshin dispatch, despatch, transmission, submissionsuru
失格 shikkaku disqualification, elimination, incapacity (legal)suru
不満な fumanna dissatisfaction, displeasure, discontent, complaints, unhappiness, disgruntledemo, jlpt3
不満 fuman dissatisfied,discontentedemo, jlpt3
反対意見 hantaiiken dissenting opinion, opposition viewpoint, contra (view)mix
蒸留 jouryuu distillationsuru
性別 seibetsu distinction by sex, sex, gendermix
配信 haishin distribution, delivery, transmission, provisionsuru
丁目 choume districtmix
不用品 fuyouhin disused articlemix
多様化 tayouka diversificationsuru
割る waru dividegodan, jlpt3, math, verb, vtrans
神木 shinboku divine treekami
占い師 uranaishi diviner, fortuneteller, soothsayer, palmistmix
割る waru divisionmath, verb, vtrans
割算 warizan divisionmath
事業部 jigyoubu divisionshigoto
割り算 warizan divisionjlpt3, math
離婚 rikon divorcemix
目まい memai dizzinessbyouki
折曲厳禁 orimagegenkin do not fold, do not bendmix
医師 ishi doctor, physicianmix
医院 iin doctor's office (surgery), clinic, dispensarymix
博士論文 hakaseronbun Doctoral dissertationgakkou
〜主義 shugi doctrine, rule, principlemix
文書 bunsho document, writing, letter, paperwork, note, records, archives; document, writing, letter, paperwork, note, records, archivesmix
書類 shorui documentsgakkou, jlpt3, leda1
inu dogdoubutsu, jlpt5
共同 kyoudou doing together (as equals), sharing, common (land, etc.), joint (statement, etc.), cooperation, co-operation, collaboration, associationsuru
国産 kokusan domestic productsmix
国内 kokunai domestic, internalmix
領土 ryoudo dominion, territory, possessionmix
贈与 zouyo donation, presentationsuru
寄贈 kizou donation, presentation, gift; donation, presentation, giftsuru
~軒 ~ken doorjlpt4
門戸 monko dooruchi
to door (Japanese style)jlpt5, uchi
ドップラー効果 doppura-kouka Doppler effectmix
点線 tensen dotted line/perforated lineleda1
倍増 baizou doublesuru
双頭 soutou double-headedmix
bai double, two timesjlpt3, jlpt4
綿毛 watage down/fuzz/fluffleda1
下山 gezan downhillleda1
川下 kawashimo downstreamleda1, shizen
居眠り inemuri dozing, nodding offsuru
生ビール namabi-ru draft beerryouri
引き出し hikidashi drawerjlpt4, uchi
図画 zuga drawingadj, leda1
採血 saiketsu drawing blood, collecting bloodsuru
yume dreamjlpt3, jlpt4
正夢 masayume dream that comes truemix
夢想家 musouka dreamermix
乾物 kanbutsu dried fish, groceriesmix
梅干し umeboshi dried plummix
流氷 ryuuhyou drift ice/ice floe/(P)leda1
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