Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
借金 šakkin debt/loan/liabilities/(P)suru
温厚な onkouna laskavýmix
営む itonamu to carry on (e.g. in ceremony), to run a businessgodan, verb, vtrans
加工 kakou manufacturing, processing, treatment, machiningsuru
小虫 komuši (1)small insect, midge, (2)vermicule doubutsu
雪景色 jukigešiki snowy landscapeshizen
甘草 kanzou liquoriceryouri, shokubutsu
係る kakawaru (1)to be the work of, to be the result of, to be done by, (2)to concern, to affect, to involve, to relate to; (3)to be affected, to be influenced, (4)to be concerned with, to have to do with, (5) godan, verb, vintrans
忠実な čuudžicuna faithfuladj, emo
私はその意見に賛成する。 wataši ha sono iken ni sansei suru. Souhlasím s tím nápadem.mix