Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
変態 hentai (1)transformation/metamorphosis/ (2)abnormality/pervert/(P) adj, suru
階段 kaidan stairsjlpt5, uchi
戦略 senrjaku strategy, tacticsmix
表面 hjoumen surfacejlpt3, math
品薄 šinausu shortage of stock, scarcity of goodsmix
卒する sossuru to die, to pass awaysuru
負ける makeru to loseichidan, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
工場 koudžou factoryjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
オレンジ色の orendžiirono orangeadj, iro
お正月 ošougacu New yearleda1, toki