Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
行い okonai čin, chováníleda1
tabi travel, trip, journey; 500-man battalion (Zhou-dynasty Chinese army)suru
mai everyleda1
同族 douzoku same family (race, tribe)mix
兄弟 kyoudai siblingsjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
大風 ookaze gale, strong windsmix
足りない tarinai (1)insufficient/not enough/lacking/ (2)dim-witted/slow/one brick short of a full load adj
それがリストから外れました。 sore ga risuto kara hazuremashita. Vyjmulo se to ze seznamu.mix
十五夜 juugoya night of the full moon/the night of the 15th day of the 8th lunar monthleda1
休日 kyuujitsu volno, volný denleda1, toki