Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
努める tsutomeru to endeavor (endeavour), to try, to strive, to make an effort, to exert oneself, to be diligentichidan, verb, vtrans
感動 kandou being deeply moved emotionally, excitement, passion, deep emotion, impressionjlpt3, mix
田畑 tahata fieldsleda1, shizen
歯科医 shikai dentistmix
行数 gyousuu počet řad, řádkůleda1
山道に車が連なっている yamamichinikurumagatsuranatteiru anglicky
歩道橋 hodoukyou pedestrian bridgemix
坂を上った。 saka wo nobotta. Vylezl jsem na kopec.mix
特色 tokushoku (1)characteristic, feature, idiosyncrasy, personal colour, (2)spot color (in printing) mix
風通し kazetooshi ventilationuchi
原子 genshi atommix
kumo cloudjlpt4, tenki
se height, staturejlpt5
kai solutionmath
いい知らせがあるんだ。 ii shirase ga arun da. Mám dobré zprávy.mix