Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
くるま car, vehicle, wheeljlpt5, leda1, ryokou
区画 くかく dělení, rozděleníleda1
親しむ したしむ to be intimate with, to befriendgodan, verb, vintrans
洋品店 ようひんてん shop which handles Western-style apparel and accessoriesmise
声明 せいめい (1)sabdavidya (ancient Indian linguistic and grammatical studies), (2)(Buddh) chanting of Buddhist hymns (usu. in Sanskrit or Chinese); declaration, statement, proclamation suru
逃走 とうそう útěk, únikleda1
名前 なまえ namejlpt5, leda1
火花 ひばな spark/(P)leda1
広がる ひろがる šířit se, rozprostírat segodan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
Jídlo je uvařeno.ryouri