Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji どにち weekend, Saturday and Sunday
kanji おしょうがつ New year
kanji あした tomorrow
kanji うみだす (1)to create, to bring forth, to produce, (2)to invent, to think up and bring into being, (3)to give birth to, to bear
kanji かいわ conversation
kanji かいか (1)flowers budding, blooming, flowering, (2)showing results, becoming popular, blooming
kanji せんとう head/lead/vanguard/first/(P)
kanji みかた viewpoint
kanji ちゅうせい Middle Ages, mediaeval times
kanji たけうま (walk on) stilts/bamboo horse
kanji ゆき snow
kanji かぜ wind
kanji かぐら Kagura, Shinto theatrical dance
kanji みつかる be found
kanji ぜんず complete map, whole view
kanji まじわる (1)to cross, to intersect, to join, to meet, (2)to associate with, to mingle with, to consort with, (3)to have a sexual relationship, to copulate
kanji あいしゅ love of alcohol, drinker
kanji なんでも いい です。 Cokoliv je OK.
kanji はん half
kanji おかあさん、ビール を のみ に いって も いい ですか。 Mami, můžu jít pít pivo?
kanji さい numerativ pro věk
kanji かわる nahradit (někoho)
kanji ゆり lily
kanji おおきい big, large, great
kanji しょくご po jídle