Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji tairyoku physical strength
kanji shinbunshi newsprint, newspaper
kanji maegaki předmluva
kanji kuuki air
kanji uriba selling area
kanji mise to shoppingu shops and shopping
kanji shabondama mýdlová bublina
kanji mokuba (1)wooden horse/rocking horse/ (2)vaulting horse/horse used in gymnastics/ (3)the horse (ancient torture device that one was forced to straddle with rocks hanging from the feet)
kanji hokano jiný, ostatní
kanji nyuusha joining a company
kanji shuukyuufutsuka dva volné dny v týdnu
kanji tokin Promoted pawn ("tokin")
kanji ushiro behind
kanji shinsetsu kindness
kanji kuchi mouth, orifice, opening
kanji shimai sestry (starší a mladší)
kanji imaya now
kanji kuru to come, to call on, to grow, to get
kanji aneue starší sestra
kanji hakaru (1)to measure, to weigh, to survey, to time (sound, gauge, estimate), (2)to conjecture, to infer, to surmise
kanji ban (1)number (in a series), (2)(one's) turn, (3)watch, guard, lookout, (4)bout, match (sumo)
kanji arukimawaru obcházet
kanji hayai early
kanji kaikei account, finance, accountant, treasurer, paymaster, reckoning, bill
kanji raku comfort, ease