Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ぶんの denominator bun no numerator (in writing common fractions), X Yth's (Y bun no X)
kanji やすむ to rest, to be finished, to retire
kanji りゅうたいりきがく fluid mechanics
kanji がくしゃ scholar/(P)
kanji だんしこう boys' school
kanji あまみず rain water
kanji けいかくする to plan
kanji しゃくなげ rhododendron
kanji おりる to come down
kanji くも cloud
kanji りょくぎょくせき emerald
kanji せいもん hlavní vchod, hlavní brána
kanji ろっぷん 6 minutes
kanji (num) four
kanji にほんご japanese
kanji したがき rough copy, draft, draught
kanji やすっぽい cheap (quality)
kanji みぎ right hand side
kanji しせき dental calculus (calcified deposits that accumulate on the teeth), tartar (of the teeth)
kanji ゆうじん friend/(P)
kanji えき station
kanji しんりん les (rozsáhlejší)
kanji おねえさん (honorable) older sister
kanji みぎひだり vpravo a vlevo
kanji おもい thought, mind, heart, feelings, emotion, sentiment, love, affection, desire, wish, hope, expectation, imagination, experience