Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
大切(な) たいせつ(な) important/valuable/worthy of care/(P)adj, leda1
外出 がいしゅつ; そとで outing, trip, going out; (n,vs) outing, trip, going outsuru
一両 いちりょう (1)one vehicle, (2)one ryou (an old coin) mix
だい ordinalleda1
名字 みょうじ příjmeníleda1
きれい好きな きれいずきな clean (person)adj
成る なる (1)(uk) to become, to get, to grow, to be, to reach, to attain, (2)to result in, to prove to be, (3)to consist of, to be composed of, (4)to succeed, to be complete, (5)to change into, to be excha godan, verb, vintrans
S Japonkou jsem ještě nechodil.ai
組長 くみちょう boss (yakuza)/(P)baka
花見 はなみ cherry blossom viewingjlpt4
立方 たちかた; りっぽう dancing (geisha); cubesuru
こころ mind, heartjlpt4
分子 ぶんし the numeratormath
にく meatjlpt5, leda1, ryouri
切れ目 きれめ break/pause/gap/end/rift/interruption/cut/section/notch/incision/end (of a task)/(P)leda1
主な おもな chief, main, principal, importantmix
山道 やまみち mountain pathleda1, ryokou, shizen
会長 かいちょう president (of a society)/chairman/(P)shigoto
新聞 しんぶん newspaperjlpt5, leda1
昼食 ちゅうしょく lunchryouri
Nemusíš se (na to) koukat.mix
死語 しご dead language, obsolete wordmix
切れる きれる (1)to cut well/to be sharp/ (2)to break (off)/to snap/to wear out/ (3)to be injured/ (4)to burst/to collapse/ (5)to be disconnected/to be out of/to expire/to sever (connections) with/ (6)to be shrewd ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vintrans
Vyndat peníze. (z peněženky)mix
正しい ただしい right, correctadj, jlpt4
東方 とうほう východ, směrem na východleda1