Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji あしもと at one's feet, underfoot
kanji しかた method, way
kanji しち (num) seven
kanji しちゅう in the city
kanji おしえる to teach, to inform, to instruct
kanji だいがくせい university student
kanji あなた と は くち も ききたくない の。 I don't want to hear another word out of you.
kanji さん (num) three
kanji しょうテスト quiz, small test
kanji らいにち arrival in Japan, coming to Japan, visit to Japan
kanji きん gold
kanji おひる noon
kanji ぶんかつ partition, division, separation, segmenting, splitting
kanji ほんねん this (current) year
kanji もう いっぱい どう ですか。 One more?
kanji あかるい bright, light, cheerful, sunny
kanji このむ to like/to prefer/(P)
kanji ぶんの denominator bun no numerator (in writing common fractions), X Yth's (Y bun no X)
kanji くに country
kanji こんご poté, následně, nadále
kanji ほや stínidlo lampy
kanji くむ (1)to cross (legs or arms)/to link (arms)/ (2)to put together/to construct/to assemble/to produce (e.g. TV program)/ (3)to braid/to plait/ (4)to grapple/to wrestle/ (5)to unite/to link up/to form an
kanji いっせん line
kanji いちにち whole day
kanji 100 わる 5 は 20 です。 100 děleno 5 je 20.