Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ~nin ~person, counter for people
kanji kuruma car, vehicle, wheel
kanji hitocu one
kanji guri-nša green car (1st class)
kanji hahanohi Den matek
kanji nippon Japan
kanji ano hito ha ošaberi da. Tamten člověk je ukecaný.
kanji ičiniči whole day
kanji ošaberi na hito ukecaný člověk
kanji inu dog
kanji kudaru (1)to descend, to go down, to come down, (2)to be handed down (of an order, judgment, etc.), (3)to pass (of time), (4)to surrender, to capitulate, (5)(often in neg. form) to be less than, to be i
kanji čiči father
kanji hitori one person
kanji čičinohi Den otců
kanji sagaru to hang down/to abate/to retire/to fall/to step back/(P)
kanji hondžicu today
kanji nobori (1)ascent, climbing, ascending (path), climb, (2)up-train (e.g. going to Tokyo), (n,adj-no) (3)northward (towards Tokyo)
kanji oriru to come down
kanji otousan (polite) father
kanji fubo rodiče, tatínek a maminka
kanji donna hito jaký člověk
kanji okaasan (honorable) mother
kanji fucuka second day of the month, two days
kanji hacuka twenty days, twentieth day of the month
kanji kudaranai (uk) good-for-nothing, stupid, trivial, worthless