Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
ame rainjlpt5, leda1, tenki
冬空 fuyuzora zimní oblohaleda1, shizen, tenki
お昼 ohiru noontoki
夜行バス yakoubasu noční autobusleda1
赤み akami reddish tinge/tinge of red/slight redness/blushmix
日本食 nihonshoku Japanese food, Japanese mealryouri
ki tree, woodjlpt5, shokubutsu
雨なのに、ピクニックに行きます。 ame nanoni,pikunikku ni ikimasu. We go to picnic in spite of rain.ryouri, tenki
多い ooi manyadj, jlpt5, leda1
目まい memai dizzinessbyouki
思いつく omoitsuku to think of, to hit upon, to come into one's mind, to be struck with an ideagodan, jlpt3, verb
前書き maegaki předmluvaleda1
前後 zengo (1)front and rear, front and back, before and behind, (2)before and after, (3)order, context, (4)consequences, (n,vs) (5)inversion, reversion, getting out of order, (6)co-occurring, (n-suf,n) (7 mix
金づち kanaduchi kladivoleda1
二つ futatsu twojlpt5
上手く umaku (1)skilfully, skillfully, well, aptly, cleverly, (2)successfully, smoothly, (3)deliciously mix
思う omou to thinkgodan, jlpt4, leda1, verb, vtrans
広げる hirogeru rozprostřít (látku), roztáhnout (křídla, ruce), rozšířit (území)ichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
二十日 hatsuka twenty days, twentieth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
見せしめ miseshime lesson, example, warningmix
気づく kiduku to notice/to recognize/to recognise/to become aware of/to perceive/to realize/to realisegodan, verb
父の日 chichinohi Den otcůleda1, namae
sen 1,000, thousandjlpt5
わざと言わない。 wazato iwa nai. Naschvál to neřeknu.mix
見なくてもいいです。 minakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš se (na to) koukat.mix
いい天気 iitenki fine weather, fair weathertenki
オレンジ色の orenjiirono orangeadj, iro
空く aku to become vacantgodan, jlpt3, jlpt5, leda1, verb, vintrans
母校 bokou alma matergakkou, leda1
赤ちゃん akachan babyhito, jlpt4