Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji てつだう to help
kanji まなぶ učit se
kanji ほうび reward, prize
kanji わたつみ Watatsumi, dragon, as well as god of the sea
kanji けいたいでんわ が ほしい な。 Chci mobilní telefon.
kanji よやく reservation
kanji ふん minute
kanji べつべつ separately, individually
kanji うつす to copy or photograph
kanji がめん terminal screen, scene, picture, the field (in TV), photo
kanji ほし star
kanji こうりょく effect, efficacy, validity, potency
kanji とうたつ reaching, attaining, arrival
kanji ~はい counter for cups, glasses, spoonfuls
kanji うみ sea, beach
kanji けっせきとどけ report of a school absence
kanji やま を のぼる。 Vystoupat na horu.
kanji ふせいあい paternal love
kanji エーたす1エコールビー A+1=B
kanji ひめ (1)princess, young lady of noble birth, (n-suf,n) (2)girl, (pref) (3)small & lovely
kanji びじゅつ art, fine arts
kanji まもる (1)to protect/to guard/to defend/ (2)to keep (i.e. a promise)/to abide (by the rules)/to observe/to obey/to follow/(P)
kanji うかべる (1)to float, (2)to express, to look (sad, glad), (3)to think, to imagine, to remember
kanji りえき; りやく (1)profit, gains, (2)benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.); (3)profit, gains, (4)benefit, advantage, interest (of the public, etc.), (5)grace (of God, Buddha, etc.) (esp. as attained
kanji おう (1)to chase, to run after, to pursue, (2)to follow (i.e. a set order, a trend), (3)to drive out, to oust, to expel, (4)to drive (i.e. a herd), (5)(in passive voice) to be pressed (for time, etc.)