Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
kanji ひら rovina
kanji やすっぽい cheap (quality)
kanji びょうま demon of ill health, disease
kanji あじけない bland
kanji まえきん záloha
kanji うけとる (1)to receive, to get, to accept, (2)to take, to interpret, to understand
kanji しんけいしつな nervous
kanji パンや bakery
kanji きんし prohibition
kanji ひつじごや sheepfold
kanji まいど pokaždé, vždy
kanji あそこのかど を まがり なさい。 Na támhletom rohu zahni.
kanji かげん (1)addition and subtraction, (2)allowance for, (3)degree, extent, measure, (4)condition, state of health, (5)seasoning, flavor, flavour, moderation, adjustment, (6)influence (of the weather), (7
kanji コピーき copier, copy machine
kanji りょうがえ change, money exchange
kanji レストラン の よやく が して あります。 Restaurace je zarezervována.
kanji せんたくもの を ひ に あてて かわかす。 Dát prádlo na slunce a nechat ho uschnout.
kanji せんしゅつ election
kanji しょどう kaligrafie
kanji かいしゅうごう open set
kanji ぜんぽう vpředu
kanji にこむ to cook together, to boil well
kanji じょうず skill, skillful, dexterity
kanji みなおす (1)to look again, (2)to get a better opinion of
kanji きあい scream, yell, fighting spirit