Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
林立する rinricusuru podobat se lesu (antény, domy)leda1
台地 daiči náhorní plošina, rovinaleda1, shizen
服用 fukujou taking medicine, dosingsuru
元老 genrou (1)elder statesman, doyen, old-timer, authority, (2)Genro (member of a pre-WWII body that informally advised the emperor) mix
これを引くと、水が出ます。 kore wo hiku to,mizu ga demasu. Když za tohle zatáhneš, začne téct voda.mix
開く aku to open (e.g. a festival)godan, jlpt5, verb, vintrans
大変お世話になりありがとうございました。 taihen osewa ni nari arigatou gozaimašita. Thank you for all your hard work.kaiwa
他言する tagonsuru telling others/revealing to others/letting out a secretleda1, suru, verb
買い物 kaimono shoppingjlpt5
解熱剤 genecuzai fever medicine, antipyretic, antifebrilemix
人口 džinkou populationjlpt4, leda1
汽車 kiša steam trainjlpt4, ryokou
苦味 nigami bitterness, bitter tastemix
教頭 kjoutou an assistant principalgakkou
導関数 doukansuu derivativemath