Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
空前 kuuzen unprecedented, record-breakingmix
十日 tooka ten days, the tenth day of the monthjlpt5, toki
国会 kokkai (abbr) National Diet, parliament, congressseiji
新た arata (1)new, fresh, novel, (adv) (2)newly, freshly, re- mix
小ちゃい čiičai small (babytalk form)adj
五分五分 gobugobu as likely as not, 50-50, even match, tiemix
ワゴン車 wagonša station wagonmix
本を読んでしまいたい。 hon wo jonde šimaitai. Chci dočíst knížku.mix
あなたは学校に来なくてもいいです。 anata ha gakkou ni konakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš chodit do školy.gakkou
蝶々 čoučou butterflydoubutsu