Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
止す yosu (after the -masu stem of a verb) to stop in the midst of, to leave undone; to cease, to abolish, to resign, to give upgodan, verb, vtrans
近辺 kinpen neighbourhood, neighborhood, vicinitymix
引きこもり hikikomori (1)a shut-in, a stay-at-home, people who withdraw from society (e.g. retire to the country), (2)social withdrawal, shunning other people mix
午前零時 gozenreiji midnightmix
夜明け yoake rozbřesk, svítání, úsvitleda1
外出 gaishutsu; sotode outing, trip, going out; (n,vs) outing, trip, going outsuru
村外れ murahazure edge of town/outskirts of a villageleda1
車内 shanai inside a carriagemix
左利き hidarikiki left-handedness, sake drinker, left-handermix
幸先 saisaki omen, sign (usually good)mix
出来るだけ dekirudake (uk) as much as one can, as much as possible, if at all possiblemix
~歩 ho numerativ pro krokycounter, leda1
shio saltjlpt5, kagaku, ryouri
用心 youjin péče, opatrnostleda1
南口 minamiguchi south exitryokou
長男 chounan nejstarší synkazoku
too 10, tenjlpt5
黒子 hokuro molehito
明ける akeru skončit (období dešťů), začít (nový rok), svítatichidan, jlpt3, leda1, verb, vtrans
家に帰ったら、彼女とエッチします。 ie ni kaettara,kanojo to ecchi shimasu. Až se vrátím domů, rozdám si to s přítelkyní.ai, baka
上手 jouzu skill, skillful, dexterityadj, jlpt5, leda1
多分 tabun nejspíš, zřejmě, snad, pravděpodobněleda1
売り上げ uriage amount sold, sales, proceeds, takingsmix
料理が作ってあります。 ryouri ga tsukutte arimasu. Jídlo je uvařeno.ryouri
辞表 jihyou resignation (letter)shigoto
ato afterwards, since then, in the futurejlpt5, toki
国土 kokudo státní územíleda1
危うく ayauku (1)barely, narrowly, (2)almost, nearly mix
使えない tsukaenai uselessadj
気体 kitai vapour, vapor, gaskagaku