Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
外力 がいりょく external forcemix
Okno se zavřelo.mix
Omlouvám se, ale nechal byste mě vzít si zítra volno?shigoto
電気 でんき electricity, (electric) lightjlpt5, uchi
使える つかえる to be useful/to be serviceableichidan, leda1, verb
金貸し かねかし (1)moneylending, (n) (2)moneylender suru
いろ coloriro, jlpt5
取れる とれる (1)to come off/to be removed/ (2)(of pain, a fever, etc.) to disappear/ (3)to be caught/to be harvested/ (4)to be interpreted (as)/to be taken as/ (5)(of balance, etc.) to be attained/ (6)to be obtai ichidan, verb, vintrans, vtrans
帰宅時間 きたくじかん čas příchodu domůtoki
海豚 いるか dolphindoubutsu