Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
~本 ~hon counter for long, cylindrical objectscounter, jlpt5
学会 gakkai scientific society/academic meeting/academic conference/(P)gakkou
中耳 chuuji middle earhito
金メダル kinmedaru gold medalmix
~日 ~nichi day (of the month)jlpt5, toki
大小 daishou (1)sizes (various), large and small, (2)daisho (matched pair of long and short swords), (3)large and small drums, (4)long months and short months mix
本日 honjitsu todayjlpt3, leda1, toki
見なくてもいいです。 minakute mo ii desu. Nemusíš se (na to) koukat.mix
山本 yamamoto Yamamotonamae
女人 nyonin woman (arch.)hito, leda1
一つ hitotsu onejlpt5
水田 suiden rice fieldleda1, shizen
大金 taikin large amount of money, great costmix
tsuki moonjlpt4
山々 yamayama mountainsshizen