Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
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大馬鹿 oobaka extreme foolishness, utter foolmix
極左 kjokusa extreme left, ultraleftmix
赤貧 sekihin extreme povertymix
甚だしい hanahadašii extreme, excessive, terrible, intense, severe, serious, tremendous, heavy (damage)adj
極端 kjokutan extreme, extremitymix
大流行 dairjuukou extremely popular/extremely common/widespread contagionmix
外交的な gaikoutekina extrovertadj, emo
目薬 megusuri eye dropsbyouki
me eye, eyeballhito, jlpt5
眼球 gankjuu eyeballhito
眉毛 majuge eyebrowhito, jlpt3
目元 memoto eyes, skin round one's eyesmix
犬歯 kenši eyetooth, cuspid, canine (tooth), dogtoothmix
顔面 ganmen face (of person)mix
kao face (person)hito, jlpt5
横顔 jokogao face in profile, profile, face seen from the sidemix
面影 omokage face, looks, vestiges, tracemix
表情 hjoudžou facial expressionjlpt3
向かい mukai facing/opposite/across the street/other side/(P)jlpt3
所与 šojo fact, given thing, the given ...mix
因数 insuu factorsmath
工場 koudžou factoryjlpt4, leda1, shigoto
工員 kouin factory workershigoto
失敗 šippai failure, failjlpt3
落第 rakudai failure/dropping out of a class/(P)gakkou, leda1
気絶 kizecu faint, swoonsuru
失神 šitšin faint/trance/swoon/stupefactionleda1, suru
卒倒 sottou fainting, swooningsuru
忠実な čuudžicuna faithfuladj, emo
恋におちる koi ni očiru fall in lovemix
倒れる taoreru fall over, collapseichidan, jlpt3, jlpt4, verb, vintrans
低下 teika fall, decline, lowering, deterioration, degradationsuru
転落 tenraku fall, degradation, slump, spillsuru
降下 kouka fall, descent, (plane) landing, (atmos.) depressionsuru
落下 rakka fall, drop, come downsuru
落ち葉 očiba fallen leaves, leaf litter, defoliation, shedding leavessuru
積雪 sekisecu fallen snowmix
入れ歯 ireba false tooth, denturemix
有名 juumei famejlpt5
語族 gozoku family of languagesmix
士族 šizoku family or person with samurai ancestorsmix
家風 kafuu family traditionleda1
家族 kazoku family, members of a familyjlpt5, kazoku
扇風機 senpuuki fandenki, uchi
遠い tooi faradj, jlpt5
遠く tooku farjlpt4
送別会 soubecukai farewell partymix
送別 soubecu farewell, send-offmix
農民 noumin farmershigoto
農家 nouka farmershigoto
流行 rjuukou fashion/fad/vogue/crazeadj, jlpt3, suru
早送り hajaokuri fast forward (e.g. VCR, tape deck, etc.)suru
脂身 aburami fat meatryouri
abura fat, tallow, lard, greasemix
太い futoi fat, thickadj, jlpt5
致命傷 čimeišou fatal woundmix
致命的 čimeiteki fatal, lethalmix
宿命論的な šukumeirontekina fatalisticadj
運命 unmei fatemix
čiči fatherjlpt5, kazoku, leda1
父親 čičioja fatherkazoku, leda1
疲労 hirou fatigue, wearinesssuru
蛇口 džaguči faucet, tapuchi
過ち ajamači fault, error, indiscretion, faux pasmix
欠点 ketten faults/defect/weakness/(P)leda1
良好 rjoukou favorable, favourable, satisfactorymix
on favour, favor, obligation, debt of gratitudemix
好調 koučou favourable, favorable, promising, satisfactory, in good shapemix
好調の koučouno favourable/favorable/promising/satisfactory/in good shape/(P)adj, leda1
愛器 aiki favourite musical instrument, utensil, etc.ongaku
恐怖 kjoufu fear, dread, dismay, terror, horror, scare, panicmix
怖がっている kowagatteiru fearfuladj, emo
羽根 hane featherdoubutsu
hane feather, wingdoubutsu, leda1
羽毛 umou feathers/plumage/down/(P)leda1
特集 tokušuu feature (e.g. newspaper), special edition, reportsuru
料金 rjoukin fee, charge, fareryokou
esa feed, bait; feed, baitryouri
気分 kibun feelingemo, leda1
感じ kandži feeling, sense, impressionmix
気持ち kimoči feelingsemo, jlpt4
仮病 kebjou feigned illnessbyouki
猫かぶり nekokaburi feigned innocence or naivete, beguiling innocence, wolf in sheep's clothingsuru
同士 douši fellow, mutual, companion, comrade, bondingmix
mesu femalehito
舞姫 maihime female dancer, danseuse; female dancer, danseusemix
女生徒 džoseito female studentgakkou
観覧車 kanranša Ferris wheelmix
渡し場 watašiba ferry landing, point of departure or arrival for ferriesmix
お祭り omacuri festivaljlpt4
祭典 saiten festivalmix
祭り macuri festival, feastmix
少ない sukunai few, a littleleda1
hatake fieldshizen
野原 nohara fieldmix
野鼠 nonezumi field mousedoubutsu
見学 kengaku field tripleda1, mix
分野 bun'ja field, sphere, realm, division, branchmix
hara field/plain/prairie/tundra/moor/wilderness/(P)leda1
田畑 tahata fieldsleda1, shizen
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