Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
行われる okonawareru to be done, to be practiced, to be practised, to take place, to be held, to be prevalent, to be in fashion, to be in vogue, to be current, to come into useichidan, verb
食べてみない?」 tabete minai?」 Chceš si vzít?akazukinchan
顧みる kaerimiru (1)to look back (e.g. over shoulder or at the past), to turn around, to review, (2)to reflect, to reconsider, (3)to consider (usu. used in negative), to concern oneself about ichidan, verb, vtrans
福岡県 fukuokaken Fukuoka prefecture (Kyuushuu)namae
煙草 tabako (n) (uk) tobacco (por: tabaco), cigarettes
軽度 keido longitudeshizen
印象 inshou impressionjlpt3, suru
涼しいです。 suzushii desu. It's cool. tenki
暖房をつける。 danbou wo tsukeru. Zapnout topení.mix
学術 gakujutsu science, learning, scholarshipmix
メイド喫茶 meidokissa maid cafebaka
老若男女 rounyakunannyo men and women of all ages; men and women of all agesmix
全体 zentai whole/entirety/whatever (is the matter)/(P)leda1
気合 kiai scream, yell, fighting spiritmix
私達は電車の窓から風景を眺めた Pozorovali sme z okna vlaku krajinu.mix
電子計算機 denshikeisanki computerdenki
上着 uwagi coat, tunic, jacket, outer garmentfuku, jlpt5, leda1
内祝い uchiiwai (1)gifts for close relatives or friends/ (2)private or family celebration leda1
勉強させてくれ! benkyou sasete kure! Nechte mě studovat!mix
テスコの前で二人の男の子が話しています。 tesuko no mae de futari no otoko no ko ga hanashi teimasu. Před Tescem si povídali dva kluci.mix
氷点下 hyoutenka below freezing/(P)leda1
大きい商品から順番を並べる。 ookii shouhin kara junban wo naraberu. Seřaďte zboží od největšího.mix
無料配達 muryou haitatsu free deliverymix
同僚 douryou coworker, co-worker, colleague, associateshigoto
雨模様 amemoyou signs of rain/threat of rainleda1
お日様が沈むと、暗くなります。 ohisama ga shizumu to,kuraku narimasu. Když zapadne slunce, setmí se.mix
大洋州 taiyoushuu Oceania, Pacific Ocean countriesmix
放物線 houbutsusen parabolamath
書き方 kakikata (1)way of writing, manner of writing, (2)penmanship (esp. used in old textbooks), calligraphy, (3)format (e.g. of a report), (4)stroke order of a character mix
給料日 kyuuryoubi paydaymix