Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
みなもと source, origin; source, originmix
穏やか おだやか calm, gentle, quietmix
目覚める めざめる to wake upichidan, verb
不幸 ふこう unhappiness, sorrow, misfortune, disaster, accident, deathmix
海老 えび prawn, shrimp, lobster, crayfishdoubutsu
青空 あおぞら modrá oblohaleda1, shizen
Selhat u přijímací zkoušky.mix
利己的な りこてきな selfishadj, emo
通勤する つうきんする to commuteshigoto, suru, verb
Mluvte prosím o tom, co se stalo.mix
六角形 ろっかっけい hexagonmath
くつ shoes, footwearfuku, jlpt5
海神 わたつみ Watatsumi, dragon, as well as god of the seakami
毎回 まいかい every time/each round/(P)leda1
印す しるす (1)(arch) to leave (a mark, trace, etc.), to print, to stamp, (2)to show a sign (i.e. an omen) godan, verb, vtrans