Vocabulary consisting only from characters you are able to read

kanji kana meaning randomReload
具申 gushin offering a full report to a superiorsuru
無効 mukou invalid, no effect, unavailable, illegalmix
相変わらず aikawarazu as ever, as usual, the samejlpt3
円の曲率は定数である。 en no kyokuritsu ha teisuu dearu. The curvature of a circle is constant.math
友情 yuujou friendship/fellowship/camaraderie/(P)leda1
割る waru dividegodan, jlpt3, math, verb, vtrans
数式 suushiki numerical formulamix
医師免許 ishimenkyo physician's license (licence), doctor's license, medical license, license to practice medicinemix
主食 shushoku staple foodmix
原動力 gendouryoku motive power, driving forcemix
所有 shoyuu one's possessions, ownershipsuru
記録 kiroku (1)record, minutes, document, (2)a record (e.g. in sports), results, score, (vs) (3)to record, to document, (4)to set a record (e.g. in sports), to show a result, to reach a value jlpt3
大会 taikai turnaj, sjezd, velká schůze, valné shromážděníleda1
何か食べる物 nanika taberu mono someting to eatryouri
申し訳 moushiwake apology/excuse/(P)mix